
Health benefit of Bitter Melon

Nutritional Highlight 
Bitter Melon is excellent source of vitamin C, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. It also a good source of zinc, potassium, magnesium and manganese.

Health Benefit
The hypoglycemic effect of the fresh juice of bitter melon has been confirm by scientific study. A compound know as charantin in bitter melon is even more potent than tolbutamide which use to treat diabetes. Bitter melon also contain an insulin like compound which is polypeptide P or vegetable insulin. Thus, they have been suggested as replacement for insulin in some patient. 
The ripe fruit of bitter melon has been shown to exhibit anticancer effect, especially against leukemia.

*When bitter melon is prescribed as a therapeutic agent in diabetes, patients are told to eat one small melon or take no more than 60ml per day. Diabetic taking hypoglycemic drug may need to alter the dosage of these drug if they consume bitter melon on a daily basis.
*Bitter melon should not be eaten by pregnant women because the active constituents (alpha and beta-monorcharins) have been shown to stimulate the uterus and may cause preterm labor.

Reference: The Encyclopedia of Healing Food


Health benefit of Bell pepper

Nutritional highlight 
Bell pepper is a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin  k, thiamine, folic acid, and vitamin B6. Beside that, bell pepper also a very good source of various phytochemical with antioxidant activity such as chlorogenic acid, coumeric acid, and zeaxanthin. Red bell pepper contain lycopene that offer protection to eye and against cancer.

Health Benefits
Bell pepper exert protective effect against cataracts, possibly due to their vitamin C and lycopene. Consumption of bell peppers was associated with a reduce risk for cataract surgery. Bell pepper also contain capsaicin, flavonoids and vitamin C which prevent blood clot formation and reduce risk of heart attack and stroke.

*Bell pepper are among the top foods on which pesticide residue have been most frequently found. So buy organic Bell pepper or wash thoroughly before consume. 

Reference: The Encyclopedia of Healing Food


Health benefits of Beetroot

Nutritional highlight
Beet greens are higher in nutritional value than beetroot, they are rich in calcium, iron, vitamin A and C. However beetroot are excellent source of folic acid, fiber, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6

Health Benefits
Beetroot have been long used to stimulate the liver's detoxification process. It also gained recognition for their anticancer properties probably by 'betacyanin' a powerful cancer fighting agent. Beet juice was found to be potent inhibitor of the formation of cancer-causing compound derives from the ingestion of nitrates from smoked or cured meats.

* It might cause red or pink colour in the urine, but it is harmless
* Beetroot contain high level of oxalate. Individual with history of oxalate-containing kidney stone should avoid overconsuming beet

Reference material: "The Encyclopedia Of Healing Food"


Health benefit of Asparagus

Nutritional highlights
Asparagus is low in calories, but relatively rich in protein. It is good source of potassium, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, Vitamin A, riboflavin, thiamin and vitamin B6. Asparagus also rich in dietary fiber, niacin, phosphorus, and iron.

Heath benefit 
Asparagus has been used to treat arthritis might be due to its unique phytochemical (racemofuran, asparagamine A, and racemosol) and rheumatism due to the amino acid "asparagine".

*Asparagus contains low amounts of oxalate, individual with oxalate-containing kidney stone should avoid over consuming. Asparagus contains a moderate amount of purines, therefore individual with gout should limit the consumption of this food.

Reference material: "The Encyclopedia Of Healing Food"


维生素 A – 肌肤的守护者

讲到维生素A,大家就会想到夜盲症,但是它除了可以治疗夜盲症以外,其实维生素A  还有其它重要的功用。下来就和各位分享一下它的功用。

皮肤对很多人来说很重要,除了美观,皮肤其实是我们身体的第一道免疫系统,它可以防止各种细菌入侵我们的身体,同时也可以保持身体的水分。你可能没有想过维生素A和皮肤有什么关系。其实维生素A对于维持皮肤的健康有很大的帮助。它可以帮助伤口的痊愈,比如跌伤,割伤,烫伤和晒伤都有很大的帮助,对于一些皮肤病的感染也有一定的帮助,因为它可以促进胶原蛋白的 制造。(Dr Atkins).

维他命 A 与粘膜组织
这里粘膜组织包括了我们的呼吸系统和我们的消化系统,这两个系统有很多的粘膜组织,比如我们的胃。我们的胃这个器官分成了好几层不一样的组织,我们胃壁就是粘膜组织,它可以避免我们的胃被消化液腐蚀,经常胃痛的朋友,就是因为肚子里粘膜组织受损了,然后消化液刺激到了粘膜组织下面的神经细胞而感到疼痛。粘膜组织的寿命只有4-5 天,它必须经常更换和修复,如果营养不足,来不及修补结果就会造成各种的胃病。维生素A,再修补粘膜组织扮演了重要的角色,它也帮助我们维持呼吸系统的健康,帮助预防呼吸系统的感染,最典型的就比如肺炎,支气管炎,伤风和咳嗽。除了这些以外,维生素A也是抗癌的高手尤其是肠癌,和皮肤癌。

维他命 A 的来源
讲道维生素A 我想您就会想到胡萝卜,对了! 胡萝卜就是维他命A最好的来源。除了胡萝卜它也可以从椰花菜,地瓜,鱼肝油,蛋黄和牛奶里找到。由于维生素A是油溶性的,食物里加一些油比如橄榄油可以促进维生素A在身体的吸收。
维生素A过量摄取会对身体有害,但是如果从食物中摄取就没有这样的问题,因为它的剂量不至于会使到身体中毒,如果吃营养补助品的话就要稍微注意他的剂量了,根据美国RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) 维生素 A摄取的剂量是大概 3000 – 10000 IU/day   根据一些科学家的研究如果剂量超过25,000 IU/kg,身体可能就会有中毒的反应,孕妇如果要服用就必须经过医生和专业营养师的指导了。





根据马来西亚全国健康与疾病调查的结果发现,估计2010 年有340 万人的了糖尿病,在五个糖尿病患者里,就有4 个死于心脏病而每小时就有六宗新的中风病例。在全世界,每十秒钟就有两个人患上糖尿病,每十秒钟就会有1 个人死于糖尿病,每 30 秒就会有一个糖尿病患者失去一条腿-(槟城消费人协会)

以上的数字看来很惊人,但是我们对这种疾病好像已经见怪不怪了,就好像流行感冒这样,没什么好怕的。 我相信在我们每一个人的身边,不管是家人或朋友就会至少有一位糖尿病患者,也许你自己有一天也不小心领了这一张牌。当然现今的医疗设备有办法控制糖尿病,但是以西方的医学,糖尿病是要长期吃药的,也就是说当我们患上糖尿病就必须开始吃药至到我们死为止。

糖尿病的人会有几种的症状例如容易口渴,频密的小便, 眼睛看东西模糊和突然的消瘦。当你发现你有着一些症状你就要小心了,可能你已经中招了。长期的糖尿病会导致肾病,心血管疾病,也可能导致双目失明. 这些都会常在糖尿病的患者身上看到。

糖尿病有的医吗? 在西医的角度,糖尿病是没得医的,需要靠药物来控制血糖,但是在营养自然疗法里面,却有很多人从糖尿病康复回来。自然疗法所提倡的就是把食物当成药物,让食物慢慢的调理我们的身体,因为药物没有办法被身体的细胞利用,药物只能干扰身体的运作来控制病情。 食物就不一样了,它能被身体利用来修补损伤的组织。

要用食物来调理糖尿病,最重要的就是要有足够的蛋白质摄取,因为胰岛素的制造需要各种不同的氨基酸,接下来就是维他命B的摄取,胰岛素的制造过程需要维他命 B的参与,除此以外,它可以增加细胞对胰岛素的敏感以帮助糖分的运用。铬,一种对糖尿病非常有帮助的矿物质,它可以从慥米里找到。运动也可以增加细胞对胰岛素的敏感度,所以适量的运动也有帮助的。 少吃白米饭和面条,因为他们消化了就是糖,当然也要少吃白糖咯。



今年无法完成我所定下的目标, 但是却让我接触到了一身中最受用的东西,这要感谢我弟弟,介绍了我这个东东。。哈哈。从中让我看到了人生不一样的一面,真的受用不浅啊。新的一年希望可以再往着一方面深入。当然最重要就是要赶快毕业啦。新的一年要学会开始收藏了,要把所有好的东东都收藏起来。哈哈,祝大家新年快乐,2011 我来咯!! happy new year!!