
Health benefit of Asparagus

Nutritional highlights
Asparagus is low in calories, but relatively rich in protein. It is good source of potassium, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, Vitamin A, riboflavin, thiamin and vitamin B6. Asparagus also rich in dietary fiber, niacin, phosphorus, and iron.

Heath benefit 
Asparagus has been used to treat arthritis might be due to its unique phytochemical (racemofuran, asparagamine A, and racemosol) and rheumatism due to the amino acid "asparagine".

*Asparagus contains low amounts of oxalate, individual with oxalate-containing kidney stone should avoid over consuming. Asparagus contains a moderate amount of purines, therefore individual with gout should limit the consumption of this food.

Reference material: "The Encyclopedia Of Healing Food"

